Sex Trafficking In African American Slavery

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When first thinking about slavery, individuals think about American Black slavery that occurred in the 16th century. African American was considered property and was sold to white landowners. Masters enforced violence or threatened slaves. African Americans were not seen as humans but as animals. African American women had to endure the threat and the practice of sexual exploitation. People have not realized that treatment like this has been around for thousands of years before the Black Slavery and continue throughout modern era. Combating American Slavery was a difficult task but powerful revolutionary protest and organizations met its goal. Slavery was abolished in the19th century, but slavery has not ended. It has continue throughout many …show more content…

“Since many young female victims of sex trafficking are in no position to demand that the customers wear a condom, they often run the risk of being infected not only by the HIV/AIDS virus, but may additionally become victim of other sexually transmitted diseases”(Samarasinghe Vidyamali). It is very doubtful that sex traffickers that receive the virus would receive the medical attention and treatment that they need to survive. Women who have been trafficked into the sex trade often may not have access to methods of contraceptive, and not have the regular gynecological examinations that is needed. Thus to add, the trafficked victim can be infected at a very young age spreading it throughout their sex partners without realizing that the victim may have the STI. “Typical injuries can include broken bones, concussion, bruising or burns, as well as other injuries consistent with assault. Some of these serious injuries can cause lasting health problems and may require long-term treatment” (Martinez Jeri). A 2007 study that looked at women who had been trafficked for sexual exploitation from Napal to India and then traded were found that thirty-eight percent were HIV positive and sixty percent of the girls who has been forced into prostitution before the age of 15 were also HIV positive (Harvard School of Public …show more content…

People that are in need to cash are forced to sell their labor or put their children in labor in exchange for a loan. That is when a person becomes a bonded laborer when, he or she needs to repay their loan. The person is tricked or trapped into working for no pay or very little until the loans are paid off. The work valued of the job is likely much greater than the initial amount of money borrowed. “ In event that the worker requires medical treatment as a consequence of the sexual servitude, such as an abortion (possibly forced) or medication for a sexually related disease, this amount is added to the debt, prolonging the length of service”(Parrot Andrea). Sex traffickers health concerns are already a thought when dealing with a transnational topic. Sex traffickers “owners” are aware that they will need medical attention but that is a mechanism for them to use as an excuse to lure in young females for a longer period time and extend their debts. Workers often lack the skill to effectively advocate for themselves to demand their human rights. As a result, they remain working until their “loan” is repaid. Children in most incidents are often sold by their families or kidnapped due to debt bondage and female children are sent to work in the sex industry. Traffickers often get as much as 5,000 for each child (Calandruccio, 2005). People

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