History Of Slavery Essay

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The History of Slavery: Past to the Modern day Slavery is an International crisis that continues to trouble our world. Our world has been facing slavery ever since the sixteen hundreds. We thought we once overcame slavery in the United States with the passing of the Jim Crow laws. The Jim Crow laws freed African Americans from their slave status, but the those laws didn’t stop the people that wanted slaves from retaining them. Slavery has gone on for many centuries, and sadly there is no end in sight. Slavery is one of the biggest global issues that have been impacting many lives of African-Americans. Long ago during the 16th century the very first slave ship arrived in the Americas. On the dock of Jamestown, Virginia 1619.( 3 ). During the 16th century 11,363,000 African Americans were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. (Facts about the slave Trade and Slavery). Slave exports grew to 36,000 slaves annually during the seventeen hundreds to almost 80,000 slaves a year during the eighteen hundreds. (Facts about the slave Trade and Slavery) This was just the begging for slavery all around the globe. Being enslaved came with the most underprivileged shelter, clothes, food, and unpaid labor. The slave owner’s wealth indicated whether how well the slave lived or how poorly. (83) Depending on the slave owner, slaves every year would get either clothes or material to make clothes. (84) The slaves did not usually have a healthy diet, their usual meal would consist of rice, fatback, cornmeal, and salt pork. (83) The slaves did not know that eating all of those foods every meal that they could get many diseases. The diseases included slight blindness, sore eyes, skin irritations, rickets, toothaches, pellagra, beriberi, and scurvy. (83) ... ... middle of paper ... ...o entertain their customers and persuade them to buy more food and drinks.(Ted Talks slavery By: Lisa Kristine) Sex trafficking happens almost everywhere in the world. Slavery has grown into something greater than we could ever imagine. Agriculture slave 150 years ago would of costed 50,000 dollars in today money. Today an entire family could be enslaved for a debt a low as 18 dollars. (Ted Talks slavery By: Lisa Kristine) Slavery has existed ever since the sixteen hundreds and continues still today. This is a problem that we as citizens of the United States of America and the World must continue to fight. Slavery is one of the most horrible issues around the world. We will one day find an end to the slavery as a nation and the world. Slavery will be hard to end without our commitment to continued education on this topic and the desire for good to overcome evil.

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