Sex- Prostitution and The Value of Sex

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Elizabeth Anderson makes a claim that “The attempt to sell gift value on the market makes a mockery of those values.”(Anderson 188) Anderson uses this claim to object commoditized sex (prostitution). There are two premises that Anderson uses to support her claim. The first premise being the gift value of sex cannot be realized in commercial terms and the second premise being that the gift value of sex is more significant that the use value of sex itself.

To support her first premise Anderson argues that the good which is sex in this case, is realized only when each partner mutually returns the other's gift in the spirit with which it was received by giving one’s own sexuality to the gift giver, so as to acknowledge that the good is serving a higher purpose than just sexual gratification. The commoditization of sex hence seems to address the lower value of sex and not the higher and more lasting value of sex. Anderson invokes the idea of the value of sex being personal and shared to those involved. The value of sex is at two levels and are both personal as is involves the fact that those entering the act of sex recognize that they are sexually attracted to each other and establishing an intimate relationship in their mutual offering of themselves to each other. This establishment of an intimate relationship implies a connection between the two as unique to them. The value is also shared as the same “good” is being realized for both involved in the act of sex, it is also in the virtue of the act being shared, that there is goodness of the value. Therefore the aspects of the higher value of sex can’t be realized in commercial terms as the norms that govern the goods as impersonal and individually enjoyable, but does indeed satisfy...

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...efining who we are, it is impossible to isolate ourselves while making a moral decision, as the market forces are now a part of what we are. And thus the gift value of a good can be realized in commercial terms. We may value money less than or equal to the lower “use” value of a good hence it thinking about the two values of a personal good becomes contradictory and should be viewed differently. In my opinion sex and love are closely related but not one and the same. They do share some values such as mutual attraction, trust, pleasure, enjoyment, but sex is individually realized as even people in love may not have sex and still continue being in love and people who are in love might have sex with their loved one just to satisfy their own needs while the partner would agree to sex even though he or she might not enjoy it as much, but out of love, would do it anyway.

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