Interpreting Sex In John Stewart's Plain Sex

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The aforementioned hypothetical situation could be avoided if commitment and meaningful sex had not occurred prematurely, which brings me to my next point: Love and sex have historically been reversed, meaning sex should come prior to love as opposed to the other way around. During intimate sexual activity deep character traits are revealed, allowing one to see the side of the other that they may have never seen before and perhaps could be impossible to see without sex. Subsequently, once the intercourse has transpired, one can now make an informative decision on whether or not they truly desire the pursuit of a loving relationship with that person. In doing so, not only can an individual learn profound attributes about their partner, …show more content…

Means-end analysis “attribute a necessary external goal or purpose to sexual activity, whether it be reproduction, the expression of love, simple communication, or interpersonal awareness” (Goldman, 268). In Stewart’s case, he emphasizes meaningful sex and showing respect, which can be classified as expressing love and interpersonal awareness from the given quote. Goldman then adds “All definitions of this type suggest false views of the relation of sex to perversion and morality by implying that sex which does not fit one of these models or fulfill one of these functions is in some way deviant or incomplete” (Goldman, 268). Goldman is implying that these particular end means cannot be justified correctly from a morality standpoint as they allude to false misconceptions of what sex should result in. These objectives of sexual activity have been synthesized by countless philosophers and figures of the Church over the course of several centuries. Thousands of years ago, before Immanuel Kant, Robert M. Stewart, and the Catholic Church etc., who was to say that junk meaningless sex is immoral? It is essentially a philosophy created, developed, and followed by humans, manipulating them into generating the stigma on junk sex that is prominent in today’s

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