Sex Before Marriage In Dr. Miller's Song Of Solomon

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I believe that this book of Solomon speaks very much to the culture of American Christians in general. We are saturated in the American culture that glorifies sex. Sexual innuendos are in every pop song, TV show, movie, and magazine. Unfortunately many American Christians believe that it is okay to dabble in this culture.
At the beginning of Songs of Solomon, The Wife warns the Daughters of Judah to not arouse the kind of love she describes very graphically in SOS 2:7. In today’s Christian culture people are taught not to awaken love before marriage, yet sex before marriage is on the rise in the Christian community. I believe this is because those who live in this community try to test the limits and then when they have gone too far they are drowning in sexual desire for their partners rather than love. During the Song of Solomon lecture Dr. Miller explained that sex makes people crazy. Its uncontrollable nature is capable of fooling two people time incompatible people to believe that they are in love with one another.
Sex can blind people into getting married, but one day the blinders will be taken off and the married coup will realize that they do not know each other. Dr. Miller clarified that the reason sex is only you to be awaken inside a covenant marriage is because it due to the fact that sex is …show more content…

The church needs to start implement SOS 8:8-9. In this part of the book the Daughters of Judah discuss how they will protect their younger sister. Based on what they have learned from the Wife of S.O.S. they determine that the best way to protect their sister is to encourage her if she chooses to protect sexual love and save it for her marriage, however if their sister chooses to flirt with every man and tries to awaken love before marriage they will stick by her side and guard her until she is

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