Setting Goals: Successes and Failures on the Path to Healthy Eating

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Setting goals is a fundamental component to long-term success. The basic reason for this is that you cannot get where you are trying to go until you clearly define where that is . Therefore, my goal for the year is to eat healthier. By eating healthier, I mean eating more fruits and vegetables and eliminating carbohydrates and sweets in my diet. Yet, even with your goals clearly defined and written down, you may encounter obstacles on the path to goal achievement. It is only natural that we will have successes and setbacks on any journey. However, how we handle them determines whether we reach our ultimate destination . My three obstacles are my family who are a bad influence since they eat unhealthy as I do, I do not have time to cook healthy meals, and social outings and events with my friends. My family tends to cook unhealthy traditional meals and usually my relatives are offended if do not eat their traditional meals. Parents play a fundamental role as household policy makers. More importantly, they make decisions about which foods are available at home, where and when foods can be eaten in the house, and children’s allowances . I was raised by a single mother therefore economic and time constraints, as well as the stresses and challenges of daily living, made healthy eating difficult to achieve for us. This made me grow up with unhealthy choices since my mom was unable to cook food all the time, which only gave her the choice of ordering delivery food. I got used to this bad habit of ordering food when I am unable to cook which makes it more difficult to stay healthy. I work full-time and I am a full-time college student therefore I am unable to have time to go in the kitchen and cook myself a decent and healthy meal. Thi... ... middle of paper ... I will achieve my goal and it will encourage me to strive for that goal. Finally, I will use social support to provide myself from others the encouragement I need to achieve my goal. By surrounding myself with others who support my goal, I will have the drive and push that allows me to achieve my goal. To implement my plan tomorrow, I am going to eliminate all my unhealthy food from my apartment and leave myself with only the healthy food options. Works Cited Fishbach, A., & Zhang, Y. (2008). Together or apart: When goals and temptations complement versus compete. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 94(4), 547-559. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.94.4.547 Hoeger, Sharon., & Hoeger, Werner. (2009). Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness (10th ed.). Brooks Cole. Kassin, S., Fein, S., & Markus, H. R. (2014). Social psychology (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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