Sesame Street Sexism

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Sexism Needs to be Demolished

Racism, national debt, sexism, and climate change are all issues the nation is facing without any luck at finding a solution or to minimize the situation. In everyday bases women face sexism in their workplace and in the educational system. In August 2, 2013; Melissa Nelson was fired because her boss found her very attractive and a threat to his marriage. Debrahlee Lorenzana in 2010 was suing Citibank because she too was fired for being too attractive after getting breast implants. This is outrageous that women get treated or even fired for simply being attractive; men aren’t getting fired for being too attractive and this is sexism. Sexism is an issue in our society influenced by media, likewise to the essay …show more content…

Heiman and Bookspan say that there is gender bias in the education system; which Sesame Street is used as an example that there is gender bias shown to our children before they enter school. All the main characters are males and the only female characters play the parts of children and the female characters don’t interact with each other. The authors want the readers to see that females are looked as the minority. The authors want to stop gender bias starting with the influence of media; which is then carried over to the educational system for them to have more fairness towards …show more content…

Women and men get the same amount of education; so why are men getting payed more than women? Jeanne Sahadi stated on CNN Money that, “In 2014, the median income for men who worked full-time was $50,383. For women, it was $39,621.” Women always being looked as the minority as mentioned in the essay by Heiman and Bookspan. Women work just as hard as men to get the same level education to obtain the same job; if not harder because there are some women that are single moms taking care their child without any help from the father. This is really unfair towards women not getting equal pay as men and sexism somehow needs to be demolished from

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