Scott Sanders Influence

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Under the influence was written by a 42 year-old man who goes by Scott Russell Sanders. Scott Sanders explains how he grew up with an intoxicated father whom is now dead. The story explains how difficult it was for his family to hide their father’s alcoholism by lying to their peers. Scott also explains how his father use to hide the bottles of alcohol in his jacket. His father would then go to the garage or barn to drink the alcohol and when he came back would act like nothing happened even though his kids and wife knew exactly what he was hiding. Scott then explains how his father collapsed one day and the doctor barely saved his life. After the tragic accident his father went 15 years sober until his retirement party. At his retirement party is where he drank his first sip of alcohol in those 15 years and became an alcoholic again. Growing up I faced the same problem that Scott Sanders did. My dad, and eventually mom, were addicts. My dad was addicted to just about every drug possible; marijuana, cocaine, and heroin were the main culprits. The drugs made him make very poor decisions in life. “The contents of a bottle could transform a brave man into a coward, a buddy into a bully, a gifted athlete and skilled and shrewd businessman into a bumbler” (90). My father was …show more content…

My parents got married on July 24, 2009. “We had the feeling, as children, that we played in a mine field, where a headless footfall could trigger an explosion” (90). My brother and I definitely felt like we were in a minefield when our parents were together. When they were not sober the littlest things would set them off. The poison that they both consumed was not their only motivation to fight. Their marriage was cursed by 17 previous years of cheating, recklessness and the urge of revenge. The Marriage failed to last one year. My father also found a new girlfriend, and eventually wife, not even three days after my mom and him split

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