School Uniforms Case Study

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In 2014, 100% of students attending Public Schools in Philadelphia were required to wear school uniforms (2014, p. 8). It appears as if students in inner-city public schools are forced to wear uniforms to enforce the ideology of conformity. In fact, as of 2008, 22 states authorized schools to enforce the uniform policy (2014, p.1). Delano High School does not enforce a uniform policy, however it does have a dress code. Although some teachers and professors believe otherwise, school uniforms do not create a more equal standard for all students. Uniforms can put a financial strain on families, there is little proof of them being beneficial towards students, and they are limiting the student 's rights of expression. To begin with, the purchasing of school uniforms puts a financial strain on families. It is a known fact that Americans spend $1 billion dollars a year on school uniforms for students (2014, p.1). The parents end up paying all of the expenses because the child is dependent on them in order to go to school. Adding to this fact,the school uniform industry is driven by commercial and profit interests, as opposed to educational purposes. Multi-billion dollar company, JCpenney, announced that school uniforms are a big industry for them, and had spent over 3 …show more content…

They are putting a financial burden on families because of the amount of money they need to spend in order to have their children go to school. In addition, they also have proven to not promote better attitudes towards education, or the school itself. Likewise, it is taking away the right of student expression by forcing all students to conform to one standard look. Each student learns differently and creating a fun environment for them to thrive in should be the focus of every teacher. Embrace the individuality and see them as not only learners, but as the future of our

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