School Of Alexandria Research Paper

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Contribution of School of Alexandria:
Alexandria is one of the greatest cities in Egypt. The Hebrew bible was translated into Greek Septuagint here.
The Pantaenus was the first teacher of this school. Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 155-215) and Origen (A.D. 185-254) was the outstanding member of this school. In Alexandria, there was a group of scholars trying to make the Christian faith meaningful in the intellectual setting of Alexandria, where the Scriptures were attacked as immoral, trivial, and silly by such men as Celsus, Porphyry and others.
This place was considered highly influenced to the Christian preaching. The sermon document of Clement of Alexandria is the earliest one in the third century A.D. The form of sermon is verse by verse …show more content…

185 -254) contributed a lot to the development of preaching. Origen was ordained in A.D. 230. He made a history of this time. Biblical teachings, ministerial studies, and the homiletics were reached its peaks in this time. Many scholars got ideas from his wisdom of knowledge. He was a chief catechist of Alexandria at his seventeen. He was a theological professor. He taught as a private instructor there. During his ministerial time, he preached every day. He taught preachers as well as teachers of preachers. Origen made that the Alexandria school became the chief place in Christian education for the next generation to come.
Origen practiced the allegorizing methods in biblical interpretation. He was the father of this method. Philo was his master in this practice, who was an Alexandrian Jew contemporary to Jesus Christ. Allegorizing method was a fashion of Alexandria. Origen used this method in New Testament. He was the first Bible scholar, who analysed the Scriptures on three levels, the literal, the moral, and the allegorical. He thought that all scripture passage cannot be read in literal sense. So, he tried to follow this …show more content…

He had paid much attention to the task of interpretation. He equipped a formal structure for sermon. He emphasized the spiritual life of a preacher. He gave much important to the personal characters of the preacher. Everyday morning service, a small homily delivered after the reading of the lectionary. The sermon had been concentrated on the lectionary portion of the scripture. Origen used to preach a extemporary preaching method. He had prepared a thorough exegetical work on the prescribed texts. He divided the text according to the pericope. Then, he explaining the text literally, and applying it with the congregation lives situations. He thought the application is that the moral and mystical. In the sense of moral is, the meaning of the passage for the soul, and the mystical is what the passage meant on the regard to Christ and the church. His mystical sense method is liked by all New Testament scholars to discover the prophecy about Christ in the Hebrew

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