School Counseling Vision Paper

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My vision for school counseling would be a program that benefits all students. I would want the students to be able to say that their school counseling program helped them during their time in high school. The program would be one which there would be collaboration between teachers, administrators, parents, and the community so that everyone is on board for how to help students thrive in their environment. The vision consists of having the program focus on the three domains of academics, career, and socioemotional and having ways to evaluate whether those domains were seen in the program. The school counseling program would have a mission statement and a vision statement in order for people to know the goals and the purpose of our program. I believe that when people understand the purpose of the program, it is easier to see how the program is working. Another vision I have is making sure the school counseling program is seen what it is. School counselors do more than that what people think they do. I would also want to the program to allow school counselors more time to work in groups or individually with students. It is important that counselors are given the time to work with students, even though that is not all we do. Lesson plans are also another part of this program. Just like teachers create lessons plans to go over certain subjects, …show more content…

You can use data to evaluate how well certain lesson plans have worked or have not worked. Process can be used to see how many students were given the lesson plan while outcome data is used to show the impact that a program has had. If you gave a lesson about college and applying to college, your outcome data could be the number of students who applied to college. Perception data is used to see the changes in beliefs and attitudes people have before and after a plan was implemented. Data is a great way to the changes and also a way to see differences between

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