Scarlet Tempernel Essay

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The Scarlet Pimpernel is a historical romance film released in 1982. The movie takes place in England and France in 1792 during the Reign of Terror, a phase of the French Revolution. The purpose of The Scarlet Pimpernel is to inform viewers about the two lives led by an English aristocrat; one personal and the other involving the French Revolution.

The Scarlet Pimpernel informs the viewer of possible ways that French aristocrats would flee the country during the Reign of Terror. The man that makes this all possible is an Englishman named Sir Percy Blakeney, secretly known as the Scarlet Pimpernel. Though he is a fictional character, there were people that did help the nobles in the way that Blakeney did. Throughout the movie the viewers …show more content…

But the real victory is that the Pimpernel and his men successfully bring the Dauphin to safety, but Chauvelin soon discovers that the Dauphin is gone. As a result, he orders the execution of the Pimpernel, but ultimately Chauvelin is deceived again because the firing squad responsible for killing Percy turns out to be allies in disguise. Angered again Chauvelin duels Percy, and loses, but his fate is rested in the hands of Robespierre not Percy. The movie ends happily with the Dauphin safe and Marguerite and Percy sailing away to be together …show more content…

No one can say how accurate the movie portrays the lives of these people, but there are some things that provide the audience with a false view of society during that time. An example of an inaccurate portrayal, is that the roles of women throughout the movie are inconsistent with the “rules” society placed on women. Though women began to advocate for their rights during this time, they most likely did not talk to their husbands the way that Marguerite does Percy. Also, because she married a nobleman, she probably would not have continued her career as an actress. Because the film focuses on Sir Percy’s life and involvement with the Revolution the viewer is shown a somewhat biased portrayal of societies reactions. There are a few scenes that express how the French felt, but most opinions are overshadowed by Percy. The Scarlet Pimpernel is relatable to AP European History because it is set during the French Revolution and portrays noblemen escaping France during the Reign of Terror, both of which we have discussed throughout the current time

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