Satire About Prostitution

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Sex. The big taboo that kids receive ‘the talk’ for when they are fifteen. A natural thing that at some point in their life, everyone does. Only, at times, it’s how you get it that can be the problem. One version, especially, that is considered to be wrong, is prostitution. And why should i be looked down upon? Merely a simple service, which is paid for. A transaction like any other, and yet there is so much clouding and anger about it. Although, this simple, definitely consensual, act, is looked upon with disgust, it has been part of the human culture for a very long time. It has been traced back to ancient history, so why do we try to stop it today? It must be because of the violence and potential marital problems it poses. Furthermore, …show more content…

What use is a prostitute if they do not have the necessary parts to perform their job. Surely, in a situation where a prostitute does not have their lady parts or man parts they would not be able to perform their job and thus not be able to continue being a prostitute. In case you have not caught on, we can surgically remove all reproductive parts of prostitutes and potential prostitutes in order to get rid of the whole practice all together. There are many benefits to be rid of prostitutes, for example, to be rid of the violence from both the pimp and the customer. The pimp, the recruiter, the job giver, has been known to abuse the people they hire. By ridding of prostitution, all these sick individuals will have no one to enact their acts of anger upon. They would not even have a job. They just might find an honest living …show more content…

Who knows how many prostitutes are impregnated. These women keep their children or possibly leave them to child institutions. It has been shown that many prostitutes have a common background. Issues withih the family, such as seual abuse or other typs of encounters. One cannot possibly knowingly prevent all cases of these heinous activities. Therefore, to remove the possibility of pregnancy, or impregnating, from a number of people who have already been in the job could have two benefits. One, to get rid of potential other prostitutes. One could argue that when a parent is in the job, which is a difficult one to get good pay in, that the children will follow. Two, lessen the population. Most global problems can be traced back to humans and their abundance on the earth. Getting rid of a few just might aid the problem. It is just one way to slowly help the

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