Decriminalizing Prostitution Essay

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From Chapter 7 Question 1: Suppose you are going to participate in a class debate on decriminalizing prostitution. What arguments would you present in favor of decriminalization? What arguments would you present against decriminalization? In this day and age sex has become nothing more than another product that companies use to sell their products on the consumer market. Every product has been sexualized in some way, shape, or form; but when the topic of prostitution arises nobody want to talk about it. Prostitution is nothing more than another product that just happens to be sexual in nature; however there are laws prohibiting the engagement of sex for money or “gifts.” What people don’t realize is that every single sexually active adult engages …show more content…

Prostitution is defined as any form of sexual act that is paid for by either money, favors, or gifts. Now with that said every single relationship that has any form of sexual activity or sexual involvement is a form of prostitution. Every relationship involving sexual intercourse can be classified as a form of prostitution because in a relationship sex is provided not only to show affection, but also as a reward for doing things for your partner that he or she appreciates. Often sex is given as a birthday present or anniversary gift or even in some instances sex is given after a pay check hits the checking or savings account. All of these acts can in fact be considered as a form of prostitution; however this form of prostitution is not only accepted, it’s encouraged by not only the parents of the couple but also by the society as a whole. Every marriage counselor will ask at some point in a marriage consultation “How is your sex life?” So with these examples it is easy to see how a normal relationship can be considered a form of …show more content…

Should prostitutes be classified as contractors the companies that employ these prostitutes would then be forced to offer health insurance at a contractor’s rate. This kind of insurance is generally much more expensive but also covers much more than the regular insurance offered by other companies. This can cover much of the needs that prostitutes require through the health care system, this can also allow for the optional birth control or surgeries that prevent birth. This also prevents the side issue of unwanted pregnancies or drug addicted babies, as well as alleviate the cost of these drug babies and unwanted births on the communities in which they are born. However this may force the insurance companies to raise their premiums or may cause some insurance companies to decline some of the health benefits of some of these prostitutes or other clients of the insurance

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