Sample Forensic Science Personal Statement

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My interest in forensic science, both as a degree subject and as a career, developed, like most people's I imagine, out of my enjoyment of crime fiction, both in novels and films. Puzzles have always interested me and finding ways to solve mysteries gives me great satisfaction. When I began to conduct real life scientific experiments and analyses it soon became clear that the reality of the forensic scientist's job is quite unlike the fictional version, but still full of interest and intellectual variety. I have something of an aptitude for science and my thinking works in a rational and scientific manner, and I am attracted by the biological aspects of forensic science - analysing blood patterns and interpreting DNA - and by the chemistry of the subject, such things as drug analysis and examining paint, glass and fibre fragments. I am fully aware that much of the scientific work can be routine and yet new developments in the science have produced …show more content…

I have worked in a shop, dealing with the day-to-day running of the business, attending to customers' needs and handling money, which has been a good introduction to the world of work and its demands - punctuality, reliability and honesty.
I am keen to keep abreast of developments in my subject and follow relevant stories in the media. I also recently read Jay Siegel's Forensic Science: A Beginner's Guide, which was rigorous and demanding but very readable and gave me a good idea of the complexity of the discipline. My ambition after graduation is to take on a general post in forensic science and later, perhaps after completing a Master's, to specialise in a particular area of the science., though at this stage I find all aspects full of interest - the science, the investigation, the anthropology and much

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