Russian And American Culture Essay

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When you make friends in school or in life you go through a series of different parts of the friendship. Just like friends fight, countries also fight. Russia and America have been friends and they have been enemies. What it is about the Russians that concerns, even annoys, Americans so much and why. What about this may be related to Russian history? How would you characterize the American view today toward Russia and Russian? Those are many questions that help us to see why the countries don’t get along. One of the reason that annoys Americans is that they expect things to get done and to get done well and we become upset when they don’t get done. The reason is that Russians get things done but they get them done poorly and it takes them awhile. …show more content…

I think as Americans we are always so inviting we must also think that Russia can be the same. Russia loves to bring people and have people in their country. If you were to get an invitation to Russia you would be able to see the real heart of Russia such as the stores, and churches, and ride the metro, go on a train ride (Russian and American Cultural Contrast). One of Russia famous proverbs is “Don’t hurry to reply, but hurry to listen.” As for American we usually compromise to get what we want and not worry about what happens, which has worked for us in the past but we are now paying for it. We aren’t very patient we can’t wait for a result we have to know right now, Russia is very good about knowing to wait and to be patient which makes the reward even better. The amount of ways you can enjoy Russia, you can do just same amount maybe more in America. The ways that Americans annoy Russia is that we always have things planned and perfected to the best of our abilities. Russia on the other hand don’t really plan they just go with the flow. In my opinion how we are annoyed by Russia probably finds the same just as annoying (Americans Are Not Ready to Go to War for

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