Running Argumentative Essay

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Everyone has a sport or a hobby that they compete in for fun or for competition. It seems easy although nobody ever looks past people’s achievements. These individuals didn’t just start something they love by being the best, they worked for it. One of the sports in which there is a heavy workload but a great payoff is running. Running started in the ancient times in Greece to please the great god Zeus. Competitors would run to one side to the other in the arena. Then in 1896 running evolved in the Olympics thanks to Greece. Running seemed like just for warming up for a sport or for exercise. The last 30 to 40 years have been different though, running hit the world by storm. There has been numerous high school and college sports involving …show more content…

Diet and nutrition have a lot to do with how a runner performs. According to Krissy Moehl, the youngest woman to complete the Grand Slam of Ultra running has experienced words on the basics of what to eat. “Eat real food: That is the foundation of my eating philosophy,” (Montell 1) “If I can’t recognize food as something that grows out of the ground, I don’t want to put it in my body.” Montell 1) she explains and goes into depth about how processed foods are bad for the body in which is a high maintenance body, specifically hers. “I am an intuitive eater, and I eat very differently from day to day, my nutritional and energy needs are going to be very different from another individual. Energy needs are so dependent on age, gender, activity level, fitness, and genetics.The best way to eat is to explore and try a variety of foods to learn what feels best for your body.” (Montell 1) This shows how simple distance runners have to keep their diet to feel the best for a race. Staying true to vegetables and fruits to help the runner keep the body clean from unwanted and unneeded fat and carbohydrates. “I feel like if I want ice cream, a beer, or a treat of some sort, I'll have it but the majority of an ultra-runner’s diet can be found at the perimeter of the grocery store, the typical ultra-runner diet doesn't involve an overwhelming amount of high-fat protein, either. In fact, for some, meat doesn't factor in at all I’ve been a vegetarian for almost 10 years” (Montell 1). This shows that if the athlete eats correctly there is no need for high carb foods or high fat foods. People believe that when they workout or exercise that they can automatically start eating junk food because they will burn it all off. Uncle mark includes that” eating junk food while on a running agenda is kind of like buying a new sports car and putting really bad motor oil into it and in the end, running it into the

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