Rough Draft Of A Narrative Essay About Love

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Description Essay Rough Draft 1
I love to read…no really, I do. I love to read and writing gets equal affection. From the time I was taught to read and write, I developed an ongoing love affair with the printed word and the blank pages of a journal. I quickly discovered I could not have one without the other…for me they naturally go hand in hand. Preparing this part of the description essay paper allowed me the opportunity to ponder how this “love affair” developed over the seasons of my life and how it is still ongoing. I learned that although each love affair is unique and distinct in its own right, there are common stages in developing a love affair.
First there was the stage of “Just Met”. This is the stage where I was introduced to the linguistic fun of Dr. Suess, the mysteries of Nancy Drew and the kid friendly adventures of Beverly Clearly. At the same time I began writing my life in the pages of floral covered diaries, with keys, of course, process class related compositions in the blank pages of college ruled notebooks and shared my most intimate thoughts within the pages of leather bound writing journals. …show more content…

I was in high school by the time I got to this stage. Experts often expound on how developmentally stressful the teen years can be for the average teenager. Hmph, and this was back in the 70’s, how much more stressful has it become for teens now? Anyway, during my teen years I really hid behind my reading and writing. I have a very diverse family, which when I was younger, brought me much embarrassment. I was different and really didn’t want to be. Like any average teen, I just wanted to fit in. So while trying to make that happen, I found solace and companionship with my books and writing. The librarians at the Central Library became my best friends allowing me many “dates” with the books housed

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