Rotary Club's Motto: Service Above Self

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The Rotary Club’s motto is Service Above Self. To fully understand and live up to this motto is quite the accomplishment. This motto stands for what will benefit the most amount of people. Although our nation has individualistic views this motto is a collectivist view on doing what is good for the entire society not what will personally help you the most. This is generally what this motto means to me and I will further explain that reason and what I have done to demonstrate that motto in my community in the following paragraphs.

As aforementioned Self Above Self, to me, at its very core represents the collectivist view of putting the goals and good of society above yourself. Without this core principle many programs would not exist today. When you help society you are helping thousands of people all at once compared to if you were to only help yourself. By achieving these superordinate goals you are improving the quality of life of the entire society which includes you.

I have personally lived up to this motto by participating in a variety of services that benefit others. I have over 350 hours of volunteer service at the Clearwater Morton Plant Mease Hospital where I discharged patients from the hospital and delivered flowers and …show more content…

It further extends my ability to assist others whenever possible as I want to be able to let others appreciate the same joys in life that I do. Not everyone has an easy past or life but this motto allows us to maybe make the futures of those people much better. To improve the world you must improve society in which you must take part in as nothing will change if no one steps up to it. Imagine millions of people banding together to completely solve an issue that plagues humanity whether it be cancer or energy sources, we can accomplish virtually anything if we were to all live by this

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