Rosa Thomas

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Rosa Thomas wrote an article on Stress and Children Development. In Rosa’s article, she focused on how children early development determined how the child’s neurological and biological system for their well-being or not. Rosa wrote this type of stress was regularly found among particular people or in a certain area, such as, poverty and abusive homes that resulted in the children’s neurobiology being altered in their lives, school, and social competence.
According to Thomas (2014), children were biologically made up to rely on early social interaction to advise or show the organization of their growth in their biological systems in a manner that can be in tip-top shape or not providing adequate or appropriate adjustment to the environment. …show more content…

Thomas, research not only centered her interest in resources but also on the children’s family health issue developments, stress on their families and stress that played a major issue on the common at-risk children. Studies showed throughout Thomas research, that most children that lived in poverty most likely had seen some form of domestic violence, their parents fighting, raised in foster homes, been abused or may have had a mother who was very well depressed. Second, Rosa focused on developing biological systems, although the studies she reviewed also had an extended conclusion for behavioral development, socioemotional adjustment, and cognitive growth. Third, Rosa tried to perceive how parenting quality and parent-child relationships made a difference in children's biological functioning in ways that could have long-lasting behavioral …show more content…

In the article, having more than one risk factor to help expose always have a stronger effect on children than one risk factor of exposures because it helps identify children confronted with several risk factors that are very likely to reveal vulnerable individuals who are priority candidates for interventions. In addition, interventions or policies that target only a singular risk factor are less likely to be more successful in producing than those that address the full range of multiple risk factors with which children must

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