Romeo And Juliet Relationship Essay

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In Shakespeare's play called “Romeo and Juliet”, Shakespeare tells about a couple that kills themselves over their relationship. The relationship was made secret due to how they were from a royal family fued. In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet's relationship demonstrates a fake love because of the lust in their age group and the duration of their relationship.

Before we can go on further we have to explain Juliet's side of the relationship The first sign of their fake relationship is the time length between them making eye contact to their suicides. The story takes place in 3 days from their first glances at one another. This conveys a sense of lust and immaturity for one another through them not even going on 1 date before they even get married.The final example of them not having real feelings towards each other is that Juliet hasn’t experienced a relationship with a kid her age. In the story the only relationships that Juliet had experienced was with her nurse, her parents, and the friar before meeting Romeo. The disconnection from the real world shows her immaturity and flaws because she has always been sheltered from men her age.

The last way to show the imaginative relationship between Romeo and Juliet is just Romeos position in the relationship before and during. The quote below …show more content…

“Romantic infatuation is different from both raw lust and the enduring commitment that keeps lovers together long after besottedness has faded” paragraph 5, sentence 6. The difference explained in the quote expresses Romeo and Juliet's position in the entire span of their relationship. The last quote from that article simplifies the impressions that Romeo and Juliet have for one another. “People shop for the most desirable person who will accept them, and that is why most marriages pair a bride and a groom of roughly equal desirability.” When the author says this, he shows how Romeo feels after he got

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