Romeo And Juliet Essay On Marriage

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The concept of love marriage is a relatively new ideology that has taken society by storm. In the past, love marriages were unspeakable and even unthinkable. Marriage based on love was never really prioritized as something important compared to other things in society. People were always more concerned with more pressing matters such as the preservation of humankind, honor, power and other similar things of that nature. Marriage fits under the pretense of forever, especially since divorce was highly stigmatized for the most part during that time and just the consideration would attract a lot of negative attention. So, young adults were not allowed to make such important decisions, especially since love to those in society, was not a suitable precursor …show more content…

Whoever their parents decided upon were their lover forever until death do them apart. A similar case in which a traditional marriage occurred is in the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Juliet, who is the protagonist of the play was eventually forced to be engaged to Paris. In the beginning of the play, Lord Capulet did not force his daughter to get married. Unlike most people in his time, he thought Juliet should be able to choose who she wants to marry so he allowed her to take her time and look at all the possible suitors before making a definitive answer. Essentially, he wanted her to be able to attain happiness and he looked out for her. Initially, he rejects Paris’s marriage proposal and tells Paris to be patient by saying, “And too soon marr'd are those so early made.” He tells Paris to wait because he believes women who become mothers too early lose their childhoods and happiness. Lady Capulet, on the other hand, has a different opinion on the matter. She said, “I was your mother much upon these years // That you are now a

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