The Different Attitudes to Love and Marriage Presented in Romeo and Juliet

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The Different Attitudes to Love and Marriage Presented in Romeo and Juliet

In “Romeo and Juliet”, the characters of Juliet, the Nurse and the

Capulets have different attitudes to love and marriage. The

relationship between the characters reflects their attitudes for

marriage. The Capulet’s have a distant relationship with their

daughter Juliet, as was common in Shakespearean times. Juliet is much

closer to the Nurse who knew her from birth and she is Juliet’s only

friend. The relationship between Lord and Lady Capulet is also

strained as their views are commonly opposite. Despite the fact that

Juliet was not close to her father, she was expected to obey and be

dictated by him and her husband, once she was married. This was

because women had no authority or power in society. The daughters were

expected to look after their father in old age and produce children

for their husbands. Many mothers, Lady Capulet being one, encouraged

their daughters not to marry for love but for money and status. At the

beginning of the play, Juliet has no thoughts of love but she doesn’t

have any choice in who she marries. She was expected to marry who her

parent’s told her to marry.

In Act 1 Scene 2, Paris asks Capulet if he can marry Juliet. County

Paris is related to Prince Escales and this would be an excellent

match for Juliet but Capulet turns Paris’ offer down. He says that

Juliet is too young, she is “yet a stranger in this world”. Capulet

uses nature to tell Paris that Juliet is too young. Capulet says,

“Let two summers wither their pride,

Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.”

The word “wither” gives an impression of age as older pe...

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at this point in the play because everything has run up to this point

and the events after this speed the play up and bring the inevitable


The characters of Juliet, the Nurse and the Capulets all have

different attitudes to love and marriage and the characters of Juliet

and Capulet changed through the play. This is because of the events

that have occurred in the play which have changed their opinions.

Therefore my findings are that those characters that share a close

relationship have the same attitudes to love and marriage – the Nurse

and Juliet – whereas those that have distant relationships – Capulet,

Lady Capulet and Juliet – have different attitudes and views. I think

that Shakespeare did this to cause tension between the characters and

to keep alive the expectation of what is to come.

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