Roller Coaster Descriptive Essay

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When you see the rollercoaster line. The entrance door has an amazing and wacky art design with many colors. As soon as you enter the coaster there is a decent sized room with multiple mirrors that make you look like different things such as one mirror could make you look like you are very tall and skinny or another could make you very chubby and short. Once you pass that room you go into another room that is just glass above you and to your sides so it looks like you are in a tube under water which you practically are. As you look around you see multiple species of fish and you also see the tube that the roller coaster goes through. So you are practically going across the river under water. As soon as you go out the other side you are still …show more content…

As soon as you get to the top of that flight of stairs you're out in the open and you will be right in line for loading onto the coaster. As the roller coaster starts and when you're going up you start to get very excited. As soon as you hit the peak of the coaster. As you start to feel the G force was so powerful. As you speed down the roller coaster you Can see the you will go into a dark hole into the water. As soon as you FREE FALL down the coaster you instantly feel WEIGHTLESS. As the thrill of going into a dark hole that leads somewhere in the river. Once you're about to enter the dark hole you get your picture taken. Then you are remaining at a CONSTANT SPEED as soon as you enter the dark tunnel you notice the HIGH KINETIC ENERGY and it instantly turns blue as you look around throughout the glass you see all sorts of wildlife and awesome species of fish. As soon as you exit the underwater tunnel you feel the AIR RESISTANCE as you go up to the top of the mountain. Once you reach the top of the mountain you will have this amazing sight of everything around

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