Persuasive Speech About Amusement Park

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Amusement parks are by far one of the most thrilling places on earth. As you wait in a long line to get in park, you can hear numerous kids, adults, and tourist shouting off the top of their lungs due to a tremendous jaw-dropping drop on their beloved roller coasters. Waiting in line to your favorite roller coaster is one of the most nerve wrecking and electrifying things about being at the park. Waiting in line is one of the times where you can read numerous people exact emotions. You can see people shaking and trembling in their pants as they await their turn. Kids are jumping with joy and excitement to get on the thrilling coaster. While their mother, on the other hand is trying to calm them down because inside, her heart is beating faster …show more content…

Your friends have to practically convince you to change your mind in matter 30 seconds. At this point you can hear your own heart beating in your ears. Everyone seems to vanish and the only thing that you can see is the seat of the roller coaster that has sweat on it due to the previous rider whose nerves got the best of him. There is no turning back now and you have no choice but to get on the ride. Sitting on the ride, waiting for the ride to begin is the most heart wrenching part. You cannot prepare yourself to be flown 50 miles per hour. When you take off, it feels as though your breath is being pulled from your body. For a slip second, you feel like you can’t catch your breath, and you can see the people in front of you desperately trying to gasp for …show more content…

Your hands are shaking so much it takes a while for you to get your seat belt off, so you need a little assistance from a worker. When you stand up, it instantly feels like you are about to vomit all of the cotton candy, and candy apples you had eaten early that day. It feels as though the bile has built up in your gut and it is ready to spew through your mouth. When you step out of your seat, your legs are wobbly and feel like Jello making it challenging for you to walk correctly, and everyone notices you having a hard time standing. Your hands are quivering, but you know you just had the ride of your life, so you feel some sense of pleasure. Even though you feel like your life has flashed before your eyes, you are cheerful you rode the ride, but don’t know if you would consider riding it

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