Role Of Utilitarianism In Graphic Design

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A Graphic Designer must balance three conflicting approaches. Utilitarianism stresses “the greatest good for the greatest number”. In the context of graphic design, it means that a design should be readable, legible and useful. The need for it to be noticed the idea that it should be pleasing to look at the need to create unique style. Because innovation seldom comes from designers who follow the ‘middle way’ being sensitive to conflicting ethical philosophies is one of the reasons that the field of Graphic Design is challenging and rewarding. Sometimes we design for our peers and not to solve communication problems. Communicating visual images are not winning awards. It should always be the graphic designer’s ultimate goal. The persuasion of negative stereotypic productions are the promotion of products that are harmful to people and the appreciation of previously presented graphic designs. Because of the combination of text, graphic elements and images form a powerful communication link, a print or screen media message can easily persuade a viewer by its content. Many computer graphics experts predict that …show more content…

As a photographer themselves, cinema for them was no more than an extension of photography. Lumiere brothers narrated no story but reproduced a place, time and atmosphere. These brief moving reproductions were therefore termed ‘actualities’. So while the Lumiere brothers laid the foundation of realism in cinema, me lies pointed the way to ‘expressionism’ and to the magic of cinema. Lumiere’s realism introduced cinema to the ‘mise – en scene’ while me lies pioneered the technique of ‘stop motion photography’ to create magical special effects in his many ‘trick films’. Elaborate stage sets and special effects were the hall marks of his

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