Rite Of Passage

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There are rituals all around us, we experience them all on a specific day. There are two different types of rituals a rite of passage and rites of intensification. A rite of passage is where it changes a person’s status or identity changes whereas a rite of intensification reinforces or teaches the values, morals, ideas, and myths of the culture.
It is that time of year where you turn on the radio to listen to some tunes and they are playing Santa is coming to town, the stores have shelves stocked with candy canes of all flavors peppermint, fruity, even chocolaty, that section in the store where all trees are shining in either white or colorful colors, the ABC Family’s 25 days of Christmas commercials, in the big mall plaza where in the center of the mall would be santa and a long line full of families waiting to take their family picture with him. Christmas the holiday where you can not run from, because it is everywhere. …show more content…

Christmas comes with one major belief that christians all over believe, it is the day that Jesus was born. Every year around that time there will be a “Birth of Jesus” play or pagent at one's church performed by the children's ministry. This play depicts how the birth of Jesus came about, that the time was close to for The Virgin Mary to be in labor yet Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem and were denied a room in a hotel twice and finally had the option of a stable and took it that and was where Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary inside a

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