"Risk taking behaviour in extreme sports skydiving, bungee jumping, claiming a mountain and fighting “MMA”

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what is risk- taking behaviour? Risk-taking behaviours have been the subject of much speculation, from Sigmund Freud's belief that dare-devil stunts arise out of humans' innate "death drive," to some modern psychologists' view that dangerous activities canmake us feel more alive. In general, we think of risky behaviour as encompassing activities only a handful of courageous, or "crazy," people would attempt,including skydiving, rock climbing, cliff jumping, or other dramatic exploits (faqs.org). Risk taking is a behaviour taken by individuals or groups for excitements as well as to achieve specific goals and try a new experience. Risk taking behaviour can causes good and bad things for risk- takers. the good things in a risk taking behaviour is when people do it and get to the desire objective. bad things are going to be the effects that can be happened to the adventurous . who does a risk-taking behaviour? and why? adventurous do it; for different reasons. motivations for risk taking behaviour differ from person to person according to their circumstance and values. This type of people are always looking for a new adventure that is involved with risk. there are different angles for risk taking behaviour, but this research is looking at the effects and causes.

Effects are the consequences of an action of a person who is taking a risk behaviour for any reason. Any risk- taker can be easily effected by their decision of making risk behaviour. For example, people who jump from airplanes doing parachuting depending on their back bags to open whenever they need it. However, this action can put people at risk by breaking their bones or even killing them in some situations. Being in the army as solider is a permanent risk behavio...

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... people to two sections which are taker of risk behaviour and non- takers of risk behaviour because every one has taken risk at some time of their lives. Taking risk is important factor for some people to be famous. some others are doing to achieve some goals in their life time. in this reaserch, there are two angles that are discussed which are the effect of risk taking behaviour and the causes or the motivation of taking risk behaviour. causes of risk taking behaviour are learning about things, from taking risk people understand how to survive the other time they face the same situation. another reason is to break some world records and so on. on the other hand the effects of risk taking behaviour that has to do with breaking bones and even death for those who try dangerous activities that has no gaurntees of staying alive or at least staying away from injuries.

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