Riding A Roller Coaster-Personal Narrative

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The first time I rode a roller coaster Every child has to take a big step in their life for me it was overcoming my fear of riding a roller coaster. While, other people feel happy or excited i feel kicks or a voice in my head that says don’t do it. I was made fun of my family because i was a cry baby or i don’t take risks and I hated it. I was always scared because i’ve always read that some people died riding some coasters. While, i was in Florida there was a ride called the rock n roller coaster and i decided to ride it and my family was surprised. I was so scared but i was trying my best not to show it to my family. At first i thought that i was sitting with my parents but then i found out that i was sitting with my sister.My dad comes and tells me that my little sisters will be riding and that i had to go with my big sister and it was the last seat which was the back. She told me that the …show more content…

I could hear my heart beat go “BOOM, BOOM” and my hands getting sweaty and water running down my face. My face starts to turn pale and my starts to shake.Five minutes later it was our turn as i sat at my seat i could hear my sister telling me not to look down and don’t scream and i just wanted to grab her by her shirt and tell her to be quiet. The instructor kept on telling us to put the seat belt on and to remain seated at all times. Then that started the countdown. Five seconds later the ride went so fast i felt like my face and eyes were falling off. Then the ride went up,down and then round. It stopped and then i thought the ride was finished but then it was faster than last time and i just wanted to cry. The pressure was so dense that my dad’s hat flew to my seat it covered my face and i couldn’t see. I kept on telling myself “you can do this.” Just two more seconds and you’re done. They started to put on the song “Sorry” by Justin Bieber and it calmed me down. I decided to enjoy the rest of the

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