Personal Narrative: Tensane Roller Coaster

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Have you ever been on a roller coaster.? Well I have. Roller coasters are fun and scary at the same time. It’s like your heart drops to your feet and your chest comes up to your throat. That feeling is awesome.! Have you ever ridden the furry 365 at carowinds? That is an insane roller coaster. I bet you haven’t ridden the tennessee tornado.? I rode it with my dad it was fun and scary at the same time. On the roller coaster you go from loop to loop. There are at least three loops in the whole track all spread out. But it is fun anyway, in fact it is so fun that you will want to ride it over and over again. I hope you get to ride the fire express. It is in tennessee. My dad,my brother,and I all rode the fire express together and had A good time.

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