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Racial inequality in the civil rights movement
Racial inequality in the civil rights movement
Racial inequality in the civil rights movement
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In this rhetorical analysis, it is stating how all lives are significant and all races and colors should be considered important. In this analysis it will cover how groups like Black Lives Matter group was created and how other groups like Police Lives Matter and All Lives Matter was formed as a response to the Black Lives Matter Movement and how differently their viewpoints are in communities. The Black Lives Matter movement was created after radical discrimination, and it is a political movement to inform and protect Black Lives. Tweets like the one from @iamkatori stating “A System Cannot Fail Those It Was Never Meant To Protect. #BlackLivesMatter” expresses how many African Americans who have been corrupted by the law feel. Thousands of …show more content…
About Blue Lives Matter.) “Blue Lives Matter is a media company, founded and run entirely by active, former, and retired law enforcement officers and their families. Blue Lives Matter was founded based on the need of law enforcement. On August 9, 2014, Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson was doing his job as he stopped Michael Brown, who had just committed a robbery of a local convenience store. Brown attacked Officer Wilson in an aggravated assault. Officer Wilson was forced to defend his life by shooting Brown. In the months that followed, agitators spread outright lies and distortions of the truth about Officer Wilson and all police officers.” Blue Lives Matter was a response to the killing of Michael Brown, social media talked down upon all officers and made them seem like evil demons, so they made the Blue Lives Matter campaign as a protest. Also, movements like “Police lives matter” is the rallying cry behind protests springing up around the United States in an apparent response to the “Black Lives Matter” protest movement that’s targeting the NYPD, Ferguson police, and other police departments around the nation. Police Lives Matter were made to protect police officers from violence in Ferguson; I feel like everyone should have a safe space and feel like they matter. Not all cops abuse their power, and they are some “good” police officers out …show more content…
Black lives matter didn’t discredit any other lives any say their lives didn’t matter. People took to social media to express themselves on the All Lives Matter Movement and @djsoap92 stated, “#AllLivesMatter is like I go to the Dr for a broken arm and he says "All Bones Matter" ok but right now let's take care of this broken one.” All Lives Matter is stating that all lives matter, it’s obvious that all lives matter so why did it take a movement saying black lives matter to say all lives matter? (Joyner Lucas. I’m not racist.) In Joyner Lucas’s Video, “I’m Not Racist”, sparked conversations in America getting over 50 million views on YouTube and circling social media. Joyner stated, “Screaming "All Lives Matter" Is a protest to my protest, what kind of sh*t is that?”. All Lives Matter is a protest to the Black Lives Matter protest; it is confronting the issue without being sympathetic or insensitive and isn’t trying to fix any issues. The song goes on to confront issues African American and White People face talking about racism and hatred in
One of the criticisms of this ordeal is that the BLM never put forth the notion that all lives don’t matter. Obviously, all lives matter. But, I think saying all lives matter in response is ignoring the fact that blacks have been disproportionally mistreated, profiled, and arrested more often than whites. I like how Michelle Alexander described the war on drugs as redesigning the racial caste system.
The All Lives Matter supporters believe that black people who were killed recently showed violence against the policemen and they were not innocents. The president of Amherst College Republicans Robert Lucido responses, “First, the Black Lives Matter group was originally titled ‘F--- the Police.’ The organizers of the Awareness week claimed that every 28 hours a black man is killed by a law enforcement officer, but they never mentioned that a law enforcement officer is killed every 48 hours in the line of duty. The organizers may have thought it clever, but such a title is utterly shameful” (Lucido). The author uses ethos by showing facts in his response that illustrates the opposite of what Black Lives Matter group claimed; however, these
“All machines have their friction―and possibly this does enough good to counterbalance the evil… But when the friction comes to have its machine… I say, let us not have such a machine any longer” (Thoreau 8). In Henry David Thoreau’s essay “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,” the author compares government to a machine, and its friction to inequity. He believes that when injustice overcomes a nation, it is time for that nation’s government to end. Thoreau is ashamed of his government, and says that civil disobedience can fight the system that is bringing his country down. Alas, his philosophy is defective: he does not identify the benefits of organized government, and fails to recognize the danger of a country without it. When looked into, Thoreau’s contempt for the government does not justify his argument against organized democracy.
Would everyone like to see how the community is affected ? The community and neighborhood is facing some major consequences. According to “Excerpts Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau described how this one person refused to pay the taxes to the government he decides to say something but his saying resulted to him being sent to prison for trying to stand up to the government. The government has not been telling us the actual issues . Based on the excerpt from the “Civil Disobedience” there are exactly three main points to the story. The first main idea is the people have been using their own ideas to try to get a way to end the government way for all of us to live because we need to see the point for all of us to live a life in
Today there are many controversial subjects discussed throughout the media. One of the most discussed is race and the Black Lives Matter movement. Recently, I came across an article titled “The Truth of ‘Black Lives Matter’”, written by The Editorial Board. The article was published on September 3, 2015, to the New York Times. In the article, The Editorial Board writes about what they believe African Americans are facing as challenges in society today, including the all-too-common police killings of unarmed African-Americans across the country. The Editorial Board is right that some African Americans have been treated unfairly, but all ethnicities have been. Life is a precious thing that comprises all ethnicities. This brings us to ask; why
Freedom of speech is a right that is granted to every individual, otherwise, it will be illegal. Vinson faults people of different ethnicity for taking the freedom of speech away. It is fine for anyone to express their opinion in an appropriate manner. A protest called “Black Lives Matter” grabs the attention of the public. The goal of the protest is to raise awareness that racism is hurting many people based on the incidents that happened. “Black Lives Matter” gathered many participants in an effort to fight for justice. Even “leaders from the Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Indigenous African and Unitarian Universalist faiths gathered to give witness to our unwavering support for the Black Lives Matter Movement” (Kolodny). The movement gathered a diverse group of people that portrays the spirit of unity in
Does “Black Lives Matter” really believe in the slogan they advocate for? Black Lives Matter or BLM was founded in 2013 carrying the slogan “hands up don’t shoot” following the shooting of Michael Brown by a Hispanic Officer. Black Lives Matter believes that we live in a society plagued by Racism(Rightsidenews). Looking at BLM as a movement makes it readily apparent that they’re the racist ones. Black Lives Matter should be abolished because they ironically enough don’t care about black lives, they skew facts to further their narrative and spread violence.
Black lives matter is a social media movement that went of the Ferguson, Gardner cases etc. Also very rapidly it was to show as a opposition to the police and cops. Somehow when saying black lives matter it was like saying all life matter don’t matter. It’s a touchy subject due to why people view things and for most case I can understand. I feel that the person that made black life’s matter didn’t mean for it to be just all about black life but to inform others around the nation that there is a special problem that is only happening in the African American community and we have fix that issue . we as a society has to recognize this that the African American are not making this up this its not something being politicalized its real and there’s a history behind it so we have to seriously.
Throughout Thoreau’s essay, he expressed his opinions and beliefs on the importance of civil disobedience in a society. He talked about how one must use his or her moral sense, conscience, to decide what is just and unjust. From here, Thoreau urged his readers to take action, to stop the machine from continuing its lifeless duty. His call to action is if a system is prone to corruption, the people must disobey it. This means that personal endangerment may be needed to do what is right. Going against the status quo to uphold justice and ethics is the basic message behind Thoreau’s essay.
(Marino, G. 2015) The feeling is that police officers are being targeted, merely for being a cop. BLM say’s there is no proof that they are involved in those police shootings. Most Black Lives Matter protests have been peaceful, but, in Baltimore, anger over the death of Freddie Gray escalated into violence. Police cars were destroyed, and several police were injured. The Baltimore mayor called for peaceful protests. Critics argued that the BLM protests result in violence against and disrespect of police officers. Supporters of the police have used the #BlueLivesMatter hashtag to argue that police officers are unfairly targeted and demonized. (Black Lives Matter 2016)
In multiple different occurrences the protests have angered others more than just gain awareness. Sadly a large number of people are more upset with the stop of traffic and other inconveniences caused by the protests, rather than the deaths of unarmed black men and women. The protest are doing their job to gain attention, but in the eyes of some they are doing it in the wrong way. One big rally cry the movement has had is “hands up, don’t shoot” which came after the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson Missouri. It was said that before he was killed he stated “my hands are up, don’t shoot me” which we find out afterward is not true. Anyways hands up don’t shoot, spread like wildfire and grabbed everyone’s attention. It was placed on the big stage, including sporting events, and areas of high traffic. Many common people support Black Lives Matter, but there may be some flaws in it as well. Clearly the main idea of the movement is good, and black lives really do matter. However would it not be safe to say that all lives matter rather than just black ones? It is true there have been many cases against African Americans and they may be targeted more often than other races. From another point of view, there would be riots in the
The statement “All Lives Matter” was brought into context because people believed that not one group should be the center of attention or signaled out in the United States was it comes to policy brutality. The statement is also used to stay away from the use of racism in these types of situations and focus on America’s people as unified or that not one person is different than the other. The Editorial Board from The New York Times states that “The Republican party and its acolytes in the news media are trying to demonize the protest movement that has sprung up in response to the all-too-common police killings of unarmed African-Americans across the country. The intent of the is to cast the phrase “Black Lives Matter” as an inflammatory or even hateful anti-white expression that has no legitimate place in a civil rights campaign”. Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee described the situation perfectly by saying “If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were he alive today, he would be “appalled” by the movement’s focus on the skin color of the unarmed people who are disproportionately killed in encounters with the police. This argument betrays a disturbing indifference to or at best a profound ignorance of history in general and of the civil rights movement in particular.” As we all know
Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement, originating in the African American community. It campaigns against violence toward black people and has become a uniting call for an innovative chapter in the black freedom fight. The clearance of Trayvon Martin’s killer in 2013 and the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 stimulated this movement. Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of Black lives; but mainly about the lack of consequences when African American lives are taken by Caucasian officers. The question is; do black lives truly matter to those that claim to protect it? The answer is no they do not because the movement’s alleged “peaceful” protests continuously
Overall, many believe that the undeviating war on racism in today’s society is fueled by police brutality and anti-police violence. Specifically, the Black Lives Matter movement, which is the source of controversy regarding these topics. To summarize, this campaign is “both a hashtag and a political project that formed after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin.” (Miller). Later in the article Chelsea Fuller, senior communications associate at The Advancement Project, a multi-racial civil rights organization, states “The Black Lives Matter movement is to deal with anti-black racism, to “push for black people’s right to live with dignity and respect” and be included in the American democracy that they helped create” (Miller).
When a person thinks about Black Lives Matter, he or she may visualize African Americans fighting for justice and equality. The movement Black Lives Matter was created to bring awareness to systematic racism, police brutality and social injustice that African Americans face on a daily basis. In contrary, All Lives Matter downplays the fact that black people are looked down upon in society. All Lives Matter may seem like an innocent title, but it emphasizes that justice for black people is not necessary. Black Lives Matter is not a movement that believes all lives do not matter; nevertheless, it highlights the fact that black lives are taken for granted by the judicial system.