Rhetorical Analysis Of Civil Disobedience

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Would everyone like to see how the community is affected ? The community and neighborhood is facing some major consequences. According to “Excerpts Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau described how this one person refused to pay the taxes to the government he decides to say something but his saying resulted to him being sent to prison for trying to stand up to the government. The government has not been telling us the actual issues . Based on the excerpt from the “Civil Disobedience” there are exactly three main points to the story. The first main idea is the people have been using their own ideas to try to get a way to end the government way for all of us to live because we need to see the point for all of us to live a life in …show more content…

Another main idea is the people who have been saying their ideas were sent to prison because no one wants to hear their ideas due to the government. The final main ideas is that the government are not listening because they are really telling us but not the truth. The subject is civil disobedience and the occasion is to get people to understand the government rules. The audience is the people that understand the disobedience of the civilians. The purpose is to get everyone to get the progress of the meaning of saying a word to the people in the government. There are three rhetorical devices in “ A Civil Disobedience” that have been used in order to understand how the government been causing the people to go insane for the rules. The people consequences are being sent to prison and not being listen to. The final consequences is that their ideas are not being listen to by …show more content…

The government are not listening. On “A Civil Disobedience describes on how the civilization was being corrupted by the fact that the community was being affected by the laws that the government did in order to see how the civilians will do. According to “A Civil Disobedience thoreau states that “government has made the mode which the people have no choice”. Thoreau mentions that the government made some changes that the people did not know about by following the laws. This appeals to the people credibility ethos because the government needed the credibility to the government for allowing the civilians to follow the rules. One example is in “A Civil Disobedience” describes “ government shows thus how sucessfully men can be opose for their own advantage like being the person that got used”. This connects to analogy because there is a comparisons between the government making the laws and the people doing so much to not obey the laws. On A Civil Disobedience”Thoreau mentions “the charactered inherited in american if someone would have done something if the government had not got in the way. Thoreau said that the government got in the way from someone who was about to try to change and only one man refused to pay the taxes and he has inspired everyone to do it. The author appeals to the person emotions because it has hurt the man feelings when the

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