Rhetorical Analysis Of Emma Watson's Speech At United Nation

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Many people think feminism and the effort of fighting for women rights belongs to women, they neglect the fact that men also take a significant part in fighting for equality. To persuade people to take move in an unpopular event, the speech requires tactical reasoning and deliberate use of rhetorical elements. Rhetorical devices include, logos, pathos, and ethos; to deliver a compelling speech the speaker needs to utilize these rhetorical devices to form deliberate and tactical reasoning. In Emma Watson’s speech at United Nation, she employs tactical reasoning and rhetorical elements to persuade men in joining the HeForShe campaign.
To give a compelling speech and persuade the audience to partake the move, speakers need to establish credibility to the audience by showing how they qualify for the speech using personal experiences. Especially for celebrity-fronted campaigns, audience tend to doubt the integrity behind the movement, however, Watson successfully confirms her credibility to the audience through sharing her personal experiences of facing female discrimination, emphasizing it using repetition. In the beginning of her speech, Watson repeatedly uses “when” for …show more content…

In her speech for advocating HeForShe campaign, Watson utilizes definitions and statistics to support her claim. Watson first defines the definition of feminism by Merriam Webster, the well-known dictionary, in the beginning of her speech, “For the record, feminism by definition is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes” (Eidenmuller). Through showing the definition, Watson demonstrates to the audience what her arguments are based on, and clears the misconception people have against feminism, thus, strengthening her

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