Emma Watson Rhetorical Devices

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In the fight for gender equality, men are a necessary part of the battle but many are not willing to take part in the cause. Emma Watson, Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women, delivered a speech at United Nations Headquarters in 2014, announcing the new campaign called HeForShe that invited men to join the conversation of gender equality. Watson begins building her credibility by discussing her experience with gender inequality and sexism, she also successfully uses emotional appeals by discussing examples of specific accounts where she was the subject of gender inequality, while also appealing to logic with facts, statistics, and other evidence. Watson’s argument and call to action within her speech are strong because of her credibility, emotional appeals, and logic. Watson begins her speech by describing the HeForShe campaign. She states, “...We want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender …show more content…

One rhetorical Watson deploys multiple times throughout her speech is repetition. The first time she uses repetition is when she gives specific examples of when she began to question gender-based stereotypes. She begins each example with, “When I was…” This helps Watson to emphasize her point. Another rhetorical device that Watson utilizes in her speech is her serious tone. This tone aids Watson in make the audience understand how the topic is a serious and weighty one. While her tone is serious, she does lighten her tone at some points in the speech and even laughs which keeps the audience engaged. Watson also uses rhetorical questions multiple times throughout her delivery to create emphasis. One of the rhetorical questions she uses is when she is discussing the word ‘feminism’ and she then says, “Why is the word such an uncomfortable one?” (United Nations, 2014). These rhetorical devices help her prove her point and persuade her

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