Residency Reflection

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My reflection is about residency one and the change I see in myself. I am not the same person as I was before the residency started. I have learned so much I will never be able to articulate it all in a single paper. Building peer relationships to help gain a support system was one of my goals. I learned it is very important to be yourself, make good eye contact, use encouraging words, and take time for self-care when you are in the program and counseling.
Before the residency, I did not have any expectations, as I was not sure what to expect. I believed that God would show me how I needed to develop and grow. I felt I would listen closely to the lessons and listen for Gods words of knowledge. I believed it would create a wonderful foundation …show more content…

One of the things I learned about myself working in role-play is that I can put myself in their shoes. I could fell the emotions in me of the pain they were feeling. I felt the whole room in silence as I was focusing only on her words, body language, and emotions. I could see the guilt and shame in her eyes. We made a strong connection and those minutes were powerful.
In the group therapy session, I was able to evoke feelings from the person sharing their story with my words of encouragement. It was a painful subject. I could see the tears forming in her eyes and the since of acceptance on her face after I encouraged her. “The more real and the more emotional an experience, the more potent is its impact” (Cappa, S., 2016, Residency notes).
Not only did the staff tell me that I am a natural, but I felt the words flow as I spoke, the feelings came as I listened and the knowledge formed in my thoughts. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 10-11 New International

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