Research Methodology

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This chapter aims to explain the research methodology carried out throughout the research study. Firstly the selected research design is defined and described. This is followed by an explanation of the research approach and subject paradigm chosen for the research. Subsequently, this chapter focuses on describing the secondary data methodology used in the literature review of the research. Later, the information regarding to the primary data methodology is given. This section explicates the reasons behind the selection of a quantitative approach as well as the instrument employed to collect the data. In addition the questions included in the questionnaire are explained and pre-tested. Lastly the sampling method is also described in conjunction with the data analysis process and the ethical standards of the research study.

4.1 Type of research design

A research design according to Churchill and Iacobucci (2005) can be defined as

“The framework or plan for a study, used as a guide to collect and analyze data. It is the blueprint that is followed to complete a study”.

In other words a Research Design represents the skeleton of a dissertation project allowing the researcher to create the appropriate conditions for the analysis and collection of data. McGivern (2009) adds that by developing and selecting an accurate research design the chance of completing a high quality research increases and provides the necessary “evidence” to answer the research problem in a successful way.

In line with the objectives set, this research will favour a combination of descriptive design and exploratory design. The descriptive design can be defined as “a type of conclusive research that has its...

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...using a Likert scale it will be possible to establish the different levels of influence that CSR has over the purchase intention of a number students. Furthermore, this scale will allow creating comparisons between respondent’s answers and opinions.

The questionnaire for this research study was divided into four sections with different objectives in terms of the information to be collected. The first section refers to the demographic data of the respondent. It was integrated by four questions with the aim to obtain an insight of participant’s main characteristics. These set of questions will provide the necessary information to establish differences or similarities between genders, age groups or social groups. Moreover, the demographic section will help to determine the level of influence that CSR has over different segments of the student population.

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