Research Methodology Report

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Research Methodology Report

My themed research project will centre its focus upon the link between Riot Grrrl and its relation to Third-Wave Feminism. Primarily I aim to analyse Riot Grrrl’s music scene, but also its subculture mentioning its DIY punk ethic, political activism and most importantly its influential Zine network. However the purpose of this report is to demonstrate a grounded understanding in three research methodologies and how I will apply each one in regards to my own project. Firstly I’ll investigate the advantages of an Instrumental Case Study, looking at how it proliferates, rather than narrows a given field of study. Secondly I will delve into Symbolic Interactionism referring to some influential figures involved within this methodology, as well as providing an example in regards to my own topic. Finally I will clarify the subtle difference between Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, concluding as to why I have settled upon the latter in my own research.

One qualitative method of research I will employ is a case study. The aim of my case study is to highlight the key components of the Riot Grrrl movement in the 90s. Thomas defines a case study as;

‘An analysis of persons, events, decisions, periods… in which a study is conducted and the case is illuminated and explicated." (1)

With the Riot Grrrl movement of the early 90’s providing my case study’s analytical time frame I will be able to amass a detailed collection of contextual analysis on some of the formal, behavioural, sociological and ideological factors that paved the way for third wave feminism. However I must stress that my main purpose is not to define Riot Grrrl (a task that is almost as futile as trying to generalise the Third-W...

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... 6 (Dec., 1969), pp. 922-934

(11) Andrew Graham-Dixon, "Say It With Flowers." – Symbolism- The Independent, Sep. 1, 1992

(12)Joanne Gottlieb and Gayle Wald – Riot Grrrls, Revolution and women in rock p359

The Popular Music Studies Reader

Routledge; 3rd Revised edition (26 Oct 2005)

(13) Fasold, R. (1990) Sociolinguistics of language. Oxford:Blackwell p 65

(14) Shriffrin, D, The handbook on discourse analysis - Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (July 7, 2003)

(15) Bourdieu, P (1990) The Logic of Practise (trans. R. Nice). Cambridge, Polity

(16) White, E (1995) ‘Revolution Girl Style Now.’ Rock She Wrote:

Women Write about Rock, Pop and Rap

New York: Dell Publishers, 1995. P396-408

(17) S. Slembrouck (2005:1) 2005, 'Discourse, critique and ethnography: Class-oriented coding in accounts of child protection', in: Language Sciences, 27:6, 619-650.

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