Research Approach and Philosophy

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Research Approach and Philosophy
In discussing the research approach and philosophy one must consider the difference between method and methodology. Methodology refers to the approach utilized for the research and the method refers to the procedure used to carry out the research. Epistemology is the philosophical approach broadly adopted in this research as it amid to describe a phenomena within society or in an environment. Hence in in relation to this topic the phenomena is the trend towards sustainability among businesses in the UK. A relativist philosophy has been applied which provides the foundation for this research and can be best explained according to Mark Easterby-Smith et al, “Many truths exist and a single view can only result from a consensus of these multiple viewpoints,” (Mark Easterby-Smith et al : 2008). This philosophical framework has been selected because the aim of the research is to gain a greater understanding of the common consensus of opinions and attitudes held from luxury fashion customers about their views towards luxury fashion and sustainability. The researcher accepts that many opinions exists however those which comprise the majority are the viewpoints the researcher is primarily interested in.

Types of Research

Research can be classed into three perspectives; 1. Application of Research, 2. Objectives in Undertaking Research and 3. Inquiry Mode (Patton : 2002). Regarding the application of research, for the purposes of this paper, Applied Research has been conducted as opposed to Pure Research. Since the nature of the overall study is to be able to take and apply the principles discovered from the research for future benefit, applied research is more suitable. Pure research tends to revolve ...

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...roach to the research process and assists in lessening the weaknesses found in using quantitative and qualitative methods in isolation (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie : 2004). The mixed model research will be implemented by conducting surveys and semi structured interviews. For the purposes of this research it will enable the researcher to obtain a more holistic understanding of what is the impact of corporate and country culture on strategic alliances and why.

Secondary Research

Secondary research was conducted by utilizing both qualitative and quantitative secondary research. Secondary research materials such as business journals and Mintel reports and industry reports provided information surrounding this topic. This secondary research could then be compared and contrasted with the primary research findings to help provide more understanding about the topic overall.

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