Religion in My Life

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Religion is everywhere, even if we don’t notice it. Some common elements of religion include group activities, morals, actions, and rituals. It may not seem like it, but those factors in religion are involved in our everyday life, including mine. After learning more about religion, I am starting to realize how much it actually affects me daily.
When it comes to group activities, I tend to get involved in them at school. Every now and then one of my professors assign me into a group in order to do a project or presentation. The same goes for sports. If I’m ever playing soccer, I am put into a team so I can participate in a game. When it comes to people in a religion, they tend to participate in some group activities as well. This can involve things like mass, retreats, and holiday celebrations. So, even though I am not participating in groups activities that have anything to do with spiritual or sacredness, I am still partaking in similar situations.
Next, I will discuss morals. Everyone has a set of morals that they live by. In my opinion, morals are one of the key factors that define the type of person you are. I live my morals, as they are my guide to living a happy life. Some of them include family always being first, treat others as you wish to be treated, and no matter how difficult things may seem there is always a solution to every problem. Every day, I try to be a good person. Every time I got to the game-room, after my classes are done, there always seems to be someone bullying someone else because of a video game. I play this game called Brawl, which is basically a fighting game, and some people aren’t good at the game, and those people that are skilled at it tend to pick on the others. I notice that every now ...

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...we finished, there is usually some type of festival at the entrance of the church where the participants can relax and enjoy some food and beverages. This is something my family does once every year. We don’t actually go to church as often as we should, but we make sure we at least do this one ritual.
In conclusion, some of the things I do could actually be described as religious since certain religions partake in similar situations or actions. I might not do some of the previous stated actions every single day, but I do them nevertheless. Everything I stated is an enormous part of my life, and it makes me who I am. I guess I could say all the things I touched on are all religious guidelines to living my specific life. If I do not follow these guidelines, then I’m not actually being myself. Therefore, as long as I do things accordingly, I should live a happy life.

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