Religion: What Good Is It?

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While it is not necessary for societal human good, religion is nevertheless an invaluable source of benefit to society. This is not to say it is without problems, for much violence, such as the Crusades, has occurred and continues to occur due to religion. Because of its enormous influence and power, whether religion has positive or negative effects depends largely on how that power is used. Problems occur when religion becomes so powerful that it can blind its followers, limiting them to a single, prescribed view of moral action. Yet despite the potential for great harm, religion is nevertheless a valuable source of societal human good.

Before it is discussed how religion influences societal human good, it is important to determine why religion is so powerful, because the source of religion's power will be the ultimate cause of any influence it can have on society. Firstly, religion provides an explanation of the big, overwhelming questions with which the majority of us struggle throughout life. For those who believe it, religion provides a distinct comfort in the knowledge that there is something greater. Because it is not uncommon for humans to fear the unknown or the violence that is a part of human life, and provided religion gives purpose and meaning to an otherwise seemingly random life, religion has great attraction and the ability to integrate many people.

Secondly, nearly all religions include a specific set of codes and values by ...

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...ence has yet to provide. It can give people support in times of moral uncertainty and help guide them to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. But because religion has the power to promote such good, it may also go the other way. Individuals must ensure that its power is not used to cause societal harm by always questioning and not blindly accepting religion.


Brandt, Anthony. "Do Kids Need Religion?" Moralities: Most Sacred Values.

Grayling, A.C. "Religion." Life, Sex, and Ideas: The Good Life Without God. Oxford

University Press, 2003.

Palmquist, Stephen. "Does Kant Reduce Religion To Morality?"

Russell, Bertrand. "Why I Am Not A Christian." The Bertrand Russell Society. Jul. 1996.

4 Jun. 2006. <>

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