The Study Of Personality In The Workplace

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Looking around our workplace, we will see some of our colleagues are very funny and crazy, they like to tell joke and make the team feel relaxed; few persons are quiet and shy, who usually do not talk much; but some of them are very energetic and usually willing to complete the tasks that managers gave to them. Thus, in the company, there are many people who have different kind of personality and it is clearly that it will also lead to dissimilar behaviors. Therefore, the company need to know about the relationship between personality and behaviors, its impacts on certain aspects as well as the implications to improve organization’s effectiveness. This essay will analyze about this by discussing the reason why the study of personality is significant …show more content…

Eventually, the study of personality helps to measure, explain, control and predict the human behaviors, which is the main part of the study of behaviors. In the recent study of organizational behaviors by Dr Bret Simmons (2009), he told that the study of “reading personality” helps people control not only others but also themselves; by interpreting their own basic personality dimensions, individuals can emphasize the positive and mitigate the negative aspects of their own style, which help them self-guide the behaviors to suit different environments. Moreover, understanding the study of personality help people …show more content…

In the recent year, many researchers has shown the model of personality – the ‘Big Five’ model – uses five distinct scales to describe personality: conscientiousness (the extent to which one is reliable, responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented), emotional stability (one’s calmness and self-control), extraversion (a measure of sociability, ambition and narcissism), agreeableness (the degree to which one is good-natured, cooperative, and trusting), and openness to experience (a measure of imagination, sensitivity and curiosity) (Robbins, Judge, Millett, & Boyle, 2014). It is obvious that individuals has unique combinations of these big five model, so the personality traits affects to the work performance differently in term of motivation and employee selection. Firstly, it determines how and why we’re motivated to achieve certain goals – for example, people who score high on extraversion are more motivated to achieve a goal if there’s a reward involved such as money or raise; or some people are motivated by being recognized by their colleagues, so they want to be celebrated their success in the staff luncheon (Bailey, 2014). Secondly, according to the research by Barrick & Mount (1991), the relationship between the big five model and job performance can predict the work performance via the job selection. For instance, in customer

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