Reflective Essay: Winter Term Analysis

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I knew that as time went on, college would get harder. With having completed the winter term in writing 122, I was able to benefit from a variety of current things from writing 122. With this course, I was also able to refresh my memory on topics that I already knew but needed refreshed on. Other students will all have other thoughts about this course and how it went but as winter term draws to a close, I look back through this term and realize what my strengths are, what my weaknesses are, and what I can do to improve my writing skills. In previous writing courses, I would always get grades like A’s on my writing essays. After moving forward into writing 122 this winter term, I came into the realization that my essays and writing skills were not as strong as I once thought. Because I had a tendency to procrastinate this term, I wasn’t reading the Jacobus book as thoroughly as I could so when it came into writing the essays, such as essay two, it became harder for me to write the paper. This can be shown because in essay two, I got a letter grade, C. When I got the essay back and saw that I had a C, I realized I needed to work harder to make my essays better and follow better directions when it came to writing these papers. While being in the writing 122 course, …show more content…

During the first essay that our class had to write, things like my thesis was strong and focused. In the second essay that our class wrote, I was able to notice the way we are supposed to document sources and how to site the sources we use in our essays or in general. Slowly but surely, I finally understood how to cite sources correctly and what was needed for information within the citation. Because of those two essays alone, I came into the realization that I am not too bad of a writer but there are definite things that are needing to be worked on to better myself as a

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