Reflective Essay: Three Jobs In The Workplace

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-I have worked at a Service Representative at a gym for about 3 months now. I make sure to say hello and goodbye as well as sell retail and page people accordingly.
-Three Jobs I Like
At this Job I enjoy organizing inventory, I have to make list of everything needed in the front of the gym to keep it fully stocked. (I use sequence and precision for this.)
I also enjoy greeting and say goodbye to guest. It gives me a opportunity to get to know them and step outside my comfort zone.( I use my confluence for this . )
The third thing I like doing at my job is working the register. I take pride in keeping my drawer even and all the money is handled correctly.( I use my precision for this.)

-Three Jobs I did like.
I am sometimes asked to page …show more content…

I dislike sales. I don't like asking people for money. Not only that I have to know a lot about protein powders to sell them and sometimes it's just to much to remember.( I need to use confluence and technical reasoning for this task.)
-The last task I dislike doing is putting together the displays. When I put something together, my coworkers always rearrange it, to look better. I just don't think it's that serious. ( It just requires more confluence and technical reasoning, )

I don't enjoy speaking over the intercom because I scored low in confluence. I think my voice is ugly,and I don't have the courage to just not care. I don't enjoy selling because I don't think I have the personality to just ask people to spend a lot of money on something they could probably get cheaper.
I don't like the displays because I don't think it really matter where something sits. If some one wants it , they'll buy it . I feel like my job requires a lot of confluence and that's something I'm lacking at.
However, my job also requires a lot of sequence and precision and those are two patters I use heavily. I need precision and sequence when I make list and handle the money in my drawer. I also get to use my small amount of confluence ,when I deal with members or

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