Reflective Essay On Vulnerability

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I can remember it like it was yesterday, sitting in my house waiting for my last in-car to pull up so that I can finally finish driving classes and move on to achieving getting my license. On November 18, 2015 I achieved this long term goal. I woke up that morning excited and ready to take on this next chapter of my life. I had my mom take me out a school an hour early just so I could practice maneuverability one last time. It was not an easy battle, I spent hours driving and trying to perfect maneuverability. I struggled for months but I was not planning on giving up. I worked and worked and worked until one day it all slowly started to come to me. I perfected my to the left maneuverability and now it was time to work on the right. I kept knocking over one back cone or i couldn't straighten my wheel out quick enough and now am way to far over about to run over a different …show more content…

Determined to get a perfect score i continued to practice, then I got it. I have perfected both right and left maneuverability, i have never been prouder of myself. The day of the test i was nervous as ever, even though i knew i was able to do both ways of maneuverability it still worried me that something would go wrong. I took a deep breath and went for it, it was not the forward i ws worried about it was reverse. I went slow and made it forward, reversing i went even slower and was cautious to everything around me. The moment i passed that part of my driving test felt like weight lifted from my shoulders. Now it was time to do the driving portion of the test. I was not as nervous over this part, I trusted my driving skills. I proceeded to the streets where I had to drive for the test and flew threw it with flying colors. When I got back to the bmv my instructor told me I passed with 100% no points missed! My parents were so proud of me and since that day has treated me more like an

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