Reflective Essay On A Final Interview

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It is always a pleasure to look back on my work throughout the semester and notice certain changes. There are things from interview four that I never did in interview one. This final interview seem to me my best one in my opinion. Focusing on my checklist, I gave my client tremendous feedback, dialogue, and summarizing her feelings. Through this interview I literally hit the ups and down of her emotions. I started with talking to my client about her positive transition into Mosaic living faculty. The feedback I got from her made me very excited to know that she had met two great people. One of which of the people was a great help to her. The lady at the place named Emily, helped cook, picked her clothes out, and was a good support to her. The
SOLER is always concision of from the beginning, so my ratings remain constant throughout all four interviews. I go into my interviews confident, knowing that each session me and my client would experience different emotional levels but always by the end get through the session with a solution or at least an idea of what direction to move towards. My facial expression is always dependent on the mood, as you might see at the beginning of the interview I was over joyed to hear about my client wonderful experience about all the great things that was happening to her, but when I transition over to talking about the family counseling session, my mood instantly changed and my smile no longer exist because it was now a serious matter. Speaking of the family counseling, I believe this is where most of my warmth and empathy was displayed. I got to understand how she was feeling about hearing the negative comments her mother said about her but I also reposed in a positive way where she accept her mother words as a positive thing not negative. For example, me telling her that it was a refreshing thing for her to hear how her mom feels because the truth had to come out eventually. I told her that her mother speaking so negatively about her shows her hurt because it could be hard for parents to have children with disabilities. Then I told her all the things she
If I had to find a challenge it would be the time constraint. This was my first time talking to a client and having to speed up or close up the conversation so I could move on to the next topic before running out of time. It showed me that I was very interested in what she had to say and I wanted to know more of everything that was going on in her life. If I had more time, I would have talked more on her job and how it goes and the feeling she get working there. I would also have asked her what’s the things she plan on saving her money for or items that she might wanted now to buy. I would also went more in depth with the family counseling asking her what did the counselor say and what where some of her responses but, I had to wrap the session the up. What I could say I did was the closing of my session, I felt like the way I ended my last session was perfect and on key. I told her options moving forward. I summarized all the great things she had accomplished throughout her time with me. I finally closed it up with if she need anything to do not hesitate to call the office but she had successfully completing all her objectives and I wished her the best moving forward with her

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