Reflective Essay: My Flex Path Psychology Program

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While looking back over the years and my learning in my personal life as well as at work and as a student I have experienced a great deal of experiences that prepped me for my Flex Path Psychology program. I believe that humans subconsciously use psychology everyday through rationalizing, interacting with others, and adjusting to stressors. As a student I received basic knowledge of psychology principles while obtaining my Associates of Art in Psychology as well as in the start of my Bachelors of Science in Social Science. As an online student, that was in a traditional online setting I realized that I use my personal knowledge and intrapersonal intelligence better when I’m allowed to set my own deadlines and focus more on my learning than those of my peers. I have often encountered other students that weren’t as engaged in the material as I was and their inability to give me feedback or create dialogue hampered my learning, the case was the same in a traditional classroom. Flexpath actually meets most of my expectations, I am allowed to have the independence that I need and set a target date that works for faculty and myself. I also get to use the skills and knowledge that I gain in my everyday life rather than just knowledge acquired from a text. I like that I can improve my skills and my work rather than ensure that I pass a test. I was …show more content…

I provide service in a state government agency that provides outplacement services, while providing service I have to use a lot of psychology, if I can use my real life connections in my assessments I believe that will help me succeed. I can also bring my strengths of time management, scheduling, and prioritizing my tasks. I believe that my biggest challenge will be with creating my assessments. I am transitioning from a traditional online environment that grades by exams and a few research

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