Reflective Essay Contributing To The Dental Hygiene Program

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When I read the prompt for this reflection essay about learning experience, a lot of topics came up to my mind. I can recall many experiences, but only one experience stands out more than the others. In 2015, I was very fortunate to be accepted in one of the school programs that I consider that it is hard to get into, Dental Hygiene Program. I thought I passed through the greatest challenge of my life by being accepted to the program, but I was wrong. My journey getting into dental hygiene school was rough, but my journey getting out of school was even tougher. From an early age, I wanted to have a career where I can help people, good working, and financially stable. That is why I chose Dental Hygiene. My dedication to pursuing my dreams has been tested though the competitive prerequisites that I needed to take before I can get in to the program. I needed to maintain A’s and B’s, in order to qualify to be into the pool of applicants to be chosen. I had 3.4 G.P.A and I was confident that I am going to be accepted. After a couple of months of waiting for the results, I found out that I wasn’t chosen due to the average chosen …show more content…

Why do I need to have my patients fill out seven forms before I can see them? What does research papers has to do with cleaning teeth? Why do we have to get tested in every procedure that we do? Why can I not get a straight answer, instead of telling me to go look it up and figure it out on my own? I had a lot of questions and I could not understand why the program works this way. Looking back now, I realize why the teachers had us do each one of these. These activities are needed in preparation for me and us to be the best dental hygienist that we can be. I also realized not getting a straight answer from our instructors taught me that I am capable to find my own answer and be able to critical think for my career, treating my patients, and for my

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