Reflection Paper On Pln

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PLN Reflection
Throughout the course of this semester, I learned how valuable developing a Personal Learning Network is for my future as an educator. By developing a positive PLN, I can become a better teacher. By building connections and relationships with fellow educators physically and virtually, I can not only receive, but also share, resources and ideas. By having the virtual PLN, educators are no longer limited to face-to-face interaction; we can connect to educators worldwide. This is extremely beneficial for the progression of education across the world. My PLN is growing slowly but surely; however, I know by the time I graduate I will have a PLN that will help me be the best teacher I can be by challenging and encouraging me each and …show more content…

I always thought Twitter involved so much nonsense and negativity, so I doubted my ability to develop a PLN through Twitter. However, I quickly realized how many people use Twitter in meaningful ways. By following the right people, I can fill my newsfeed with positive, beneficial information. My PLN grew through Twitter because I was involved with it. I am passionate about education and becoming the best teacher, so I was able to use Twitter to my advantage. I was able to make connections with classmates that I previously had not connected with, as well as other professors and …show more content…

I followed Edutopia because the name looked familiar. I had read articles posted by them before on Facebook, so I thought I would enjoy it. I really like how the articles are structured in a “ways to” accomplish something. For example, an article that caught my attention was titled, “4 Strategies to Energize and Focus Your Students.” I learned the value of engagement for students’ learning. Additionally, I learned how to engage your students by involving as many as you can at the same time. Most importantly, I learned how to give my students a reason to learn and how to help them feel

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