Reflection Paper On Counselling

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REFLECTION PAPER I WEEK ONE Our classes started on the 10th January 2017. We started with an introduction, after which we were taken through the course outline. We discussed course requirements and the purpose of counseling practicum. Our lecturer Dr. Christine M. Wasaga encouraged the students who had not started their practicum to do so as soon as possible. During the week I reported to practicum site The National Spinal Injury Hospital Kilimani Location in Dagoretti North Constituency, Nairobi County. We reported six students, three from USIU, one from Kenyatta University and one from University of Nairobi. While we were waiting for further instructions from the people concerned, we had opportunity to know each other. I noted that the team consisted of people who were open and ready to form relationships. This was indicated by our ease of communication among ourselves. We were joined by Eunice (The Medical Nurse, Counseling Psychologist), who took us through orientation. During our orientation she touched on key services provided by the National Spinal Injury Referral Hospital. The key issues discussed were: the causes of spinal injury, structure of the spine, injury level and their effects on patients, challenges faced by these clients and their effects on families. Further, she …show more content…

Later the client gave me a verbal consent. After signing of the contract, we moved to the next step of history taking. The collection of client history took two sessions. However, while I gathered information from the client a number of issues came up, which we could not explore immediately. Through experiential learning I realized that history taking not a one day job, but a continue process throughout the planed

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