Reflection On The Content Of Speech

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The content is the most important part of a speech. It doesn 't matter how compelling the organization or the delivery is, if you’re speaking about something like killing puppies- people are going to raise some eyebrows. This semester, I learned how much creative language can support a speech. Yes, you should use everyday language in speeches but using more colorful words can intrigue people which leads to a more engaged audience. I’ve definitely expanded my vocabulary this past semester and I feel like it was not only good for this course, but for my future courses as well. I’ve also learned the importance of knowing the audience I’m presenting to. By considering who will be listening to my speech, I can adjust the content of the speech to appeal to them.
Having a solid organizational pattern is crucial for a good speech. There are many methods of organization that people can apply to their speeches, such as an outline. Most outlines follow the same basic structure, so doing the outlines in this course wasn 't …show more content…

Throughout the semester, I have been watching my peers improve on many things for each different speech- but a lot of them repeat the same mistakes that they have been making since the beginning of the course. For example, one student in our class always rushes through the speeches. Even though there were probably notes on the feedback sheet about slowing down, it was never fixed. I’m not sure if this was a preparedness issue or if they thought they corrected the problem. I think that having personal conferences before a speech, or maybe just the issue response speech, would help a lot of students become better speakers and more aware of their personal speaking issues. Other than that, I thought that SPCM 101 was a very well-structured course that I throughly enjoyed (regardless of my fear of public speaking) that needs little

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